3rd International Conference: Environment and Natural Resources Management in Developing and Transition Economies, Clermont Ferrand, France, 08-09-10 October 2014 with a Pre-conference Climate policies in developing countriesThe CERDI (Centre for Studies and Research on International Development) from the University of Auvergne, is organizing its 3rd Conference on Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Management in Developing and Transition Economies, with a Pre-Conference on Climate Policies in Developing Countries to be held: 08-09-10 October 2014 – CERDI – University of Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand, France) The link between development and the environment is still subjected to intense debate, which dates back at least to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in 1972 in Stockholm. More recently, the June 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio provided an occasion for the World to take stock of the situation and opened some new perspectives. For instance, member States decided to initiate a process for building a set of Sustainable Development Goals, based on the Millennium Development Goals. Scholars actively contribute to the integration of environmental concerns in development policies. This 3rd international conference is precisely intended to give an echo to these avenues of research dedicated to development – environment linkages. Preconference on Climate mitigation policies in developing countries Moreover, this Third Conference welcomes a preconference on Climate policies in developing countries jointly organised by the CERDI, FERDI (Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International) and IDDRI (Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations): ![]() ![]() ![]() The 21st CoP of the UNFCCC is expected to take place in France in 2015. This 3rd conference will also make room to research dedicated to the design of climate policies in developing countries by organising a preconference on this topic. Indeed, attention has been mainly paid to commitments taken by developed countries. In recent years however, developing countries increasingly get involved and pledged mitigation targets and actions. Developing countries play a pivotal role since some now release more GHG emissions than developed ones do. Moreover, they hold substantial carbon stocks especially in their forests. The aim of this preconference is to invite scholars and decision-makers to share their views on this subject and contribute to the preparation of the 21st CoP. In this perspective, CERDI and FERDI are hosting a pre-conference on Climate policies for mitigation in developing countries. See the Call for Papers for more details. Main objectives of the Conference The Conference is intended to share research and gather feedbacks on work in progress and completed papers as well. It will bring together theoretical and / or applied papers relying either on theoretical and / or econometric modelling, and putting forward policy implications posited in international and national agendas. Contributions borrowing from different scientific fields will also be considered. The Conference will include parallel sessions as well as plenary ones dealing with major issues of sustainable development in developing and transition economies. See the Call for Papers for more details.
See the Important Deadlines for more details. Invited speakers PreconferenceArild Angelsen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) Edward B. Barbier (University of Wyoming) Dominique Bureau (Conseil Economique pour le Développement Durable – Ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l’Energie) Jean-Charles Hourcade (CIRED) Axel Michaelowa (University of Zurich & Perspectives Gmbh) Christian de Perthuis (Université Paris Dauphine & Chaire d'Economie du Climat) Juan-Pablo Montero (Department of Economics – PUC Chile) Michael Toman (Development Research Group, The World Bank) ConferenceBengt Kriström (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU & CERE) Rick van der Ploeg (University of Oxford) Previous Conferences This conference is a follow up of the conferences which took place in Clermont-Ferrand, on 18-19 November 2010. The journal Environmental and Resource Economics (EARE) accepted to edit a special issue within the field of “environment and development” of which introduction is now on line: Explorations in the Environment Development dilemma. For further details, visit the Environment Development Conference 2010 website. 17-19 October 2012. The journal Environment and Development Economics (EDE) accepted to host a special issue on "Climate change adaptation and mitigation in developing and transition economies". For further details, visit the Environment Development Conference 2012 website |